The school hosts a special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) resource base for Devon; this is a specialist provision for children with complex Communication and Interaction (CI) needs.
The Communication and Interaction Resource Base (CAIRB) supports the education of up to ten children with complex CI needs; the majority of whom have a diagnosis of Autism.
All ten pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and live within North Devon.
The CAIRB supports the inclusion of pupils with complex CI needs so that they can access a mainstream primary classroom setting (see SEND Policy, Appendix 1).
Devon’s SEN O-25 Team manage admissions in to the CAIRB
We are one of a small number of schools in the county that has a CAIRB.
This is a Devon resourced classroom within the school that provides support for children to access a mainstream primary school.
The CAIRB is led by 2 CAIRB Teachers and they liaise with pupils, parents, school staff and agencies, leading on the educational provision for these pupils in school.
Alongside the teacher, experienced support staff will support the ten children to access mainstream teaching.
Meal Time Assistants (MTAs) will support children accessing the CAIRB to have full inclusion at lunchtime with their mainstream peers.
The CAIRB also runs intervention activities that children can access alongside mainstream children who might also benefit from them.
If you think a CAIRB place may suit the needs of your child, please contact our SENDCo via the school office or the Devon SEN 0-25 Team.
More information on the Local Authority CAIRBs can be found on the Devon Local Offer website https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/special-educational-needs-and-disability-send-local-offer