Extra Curricular Clubs
Newport Community Primary Academy offers children a variety of lunchtime and after school extra-curricular clubs for children in Year 1 – 6. These include may include art, homework, gardening and a wide variety of sporting activities.
As school staff run these clubs, they may need to be cancelled from time to time due to staff absence, meetings or training. As much notice as possible will be given in the event of cancellation.
After school extra-curricular clubs end at 4.15pm, when children will be brought to the front of the school for collection.
Please contact the school office via admin@newport.tarkatrust.org.uk if:
Your child is interested in joining an extra-curricular club
Your child is unable to attend a session of an extra-curricular club they have signed up for (We have a safeguarding duty of care for your child at after school clubs so we request that you notify us in advance if your child is unable to attend a club so that we can update the register and not have to contact you to check their whereabouts.)
Your child no longer wishes to attend an extra-curricular club they are signed up for.