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Nursery Lunar New Year
Wednesday 29th January is Lunar New Year! Starfish have been working collaboratively to decorate our Nursery. We have hung our Chinese...

Year 2 Augustus and his Smile
Year 2 have enjoyed reading Augustus and his Smile in Literacy. Â Augustus is a tiger, who though large and fearless, is sad, because he...

Playground Zones
The children have been having lots of fun using the new playground zones at lunch times. The zones are proving extremely popular...

Achievement Assembly
We celebrated lots of children who have been show casing our school values this week.

Phase 3 Assembly
We have celebrated lots of children in our phase 3 assemblies over the last two weeks for showcasing their achievements.

Year 2 Beebots
In computing, year 2 used our brand new beebots and programmed them to follow a set of instructions. We tried to predict where the robots...

Year 4 Sound Stations
Year 4 have begun to investigate sound in science this term. Children visited a variety of 'sound stations' to observe the vibrations to...

12 Wild Ducks Production Trip
A group of children from Y4-6 were selected to experience a drama production from a story-telling theatre group. All of the children...

Christmas Dinner Lunch 2024
On Thursday all the children sat down for their school Christmas Dinner! They gathered in the beautifully set up hall where the festive...

Year 5 Bread Baking
This week in year 5, we have been baking bread! On Wednesday, we had to plan out our design and decide which additional ingredient we...

Year 6 Exeter RAMM Trip
Year 6 had a fantastic day in Exeter on the 12th December. The children enjoyed visiting the museum and exploring the city as part of a...

Year 6 The Brightness of a Bulb
As part of their work on electricity, the children in Year 6 have been investigating what affects the brightness of a bulb in a circuit....

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
Phase 3 achievers this week. Well done to everyone if you earned a certificate this week!

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
In phase 3 this week, we celebrated many children who achieved a certificate for showcasing our school values today - including the whole...

Year 5 Guildhall Trip
On Thursday, Robins went on a trip to the Barnstaple Guildhall to learn all about the history of Barnstaple and about the significance of...

Year 2 Local Walk
On Wednesday, Year 2 went out on a local walk as part of our Geography topic 'Devon Detectives. We followed a map and walked along the...

Year 2 Children in Need Day Maths
Year 2 worked in pairs to find and solve maths challenges in the Go Wild. They collaborated so well!

Year 4 Roman Artefacts & Replicas
Year 4 visited the museum last week to begin our learning on the Romans. We examined Roman artefacts and replicas to try and understand...
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