
At Newport Community School Primary Academy, we value music as a powerful and unique form of communication that can impact the way children think, feel and act. Non-specialist teachers are supported in their planning and delivery of our music curriculum with resources such as Charanga.
Children are encouraged to take part in a variety of musical experiences, including a weekly singing assembly, learning to sing in simple parts and harmonies and opportunities to perform in front of an audience. These experiences build the confidence and ability of all children. 
In their music lessons, children are taught to listen with intent to assorted genres of music, to discuss these in musical terms and use them to inspire their own compositions. Through exposing children to a wide variety of songs and instruments we develop the fine motor skills and musical ability of every child and nurture musical development. Children are also taught to work independently and with others to compose and perform musical pieces. 
Children are taught musical skills such as finding the pulse of a piece of music and copying rhythms. They have access to whole-class instrumental tuition using a different instrument each term, from a range of tuned and percussion instruments such as bamboo tamboos, djembe drums, jumbie jams, ocarinas and ukeleles. Individual and school group music tuition is available from external music teachers at a small cost, and a range of free after-school music clubs are offered throughout the year.