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Spring Term 2021

Following the news from the government that all schools are to reopen from Monday 8th March, please find information below and reminders regarding drop off and pick up times.  


COVID-19 Risk Assessment updated May 2021


Menu for Spring Term from 22nd February and Summer Term


Social, Emotional and Mental Health Well-Being Information click here

School Opening Information


The one-way system remains in place around the school carpark.  


Parents/Carers are requested to wear face masks whilst on site (unless exempt).  


Only one adult to come onto the school site to drop off or collect. This is to keep numbers minimal.  


Please remember to remain socially distant from other parents and move as quickly as possible from the school site. Please avoid gathering in groups outside of the school gates.  


Please do not arrive earlier than your child’s collection time (see chart below for a reminder of pick up times - changes are marked in red). 


Children can be dropped off between **8.30am and 8.50am.  


Children in years 2 and above, once they are confident and back into the routine, please encourage them to walk down from the school gate on their own for drop off. 


If you need to talk to a member of staff, please be aware that this will not be able to happen at drop off/pick up as it is vital that the number of adults keeps to a minimum. Please email into the school office and office staff will pass this onto the staff member who will make contact with you. Email is preferred over telephone calls so that office staff can efficiently direct your requests.  


If you have more than one child in the school, the pick-up time and collection point for your child will be the time and place allocated for your youngest child. For example, if you have a child in year 1, year 3 and year 5. All of your children will be collected at 3.05pm from the top playground (left hand side).  
Children in Nursery to year 4, must be collected by a known adult from their collection point - not by the top gate. 


The school office remains closed to visitors. Please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

Pick and and Drop off points and times

Reception children to please bring a spare pair of clothes into school to store in their locker. 

Covid-19 what to do if you have a positive result:

Please contact the school immediately by telephone during week days between 8am-4pm 01271 376252. 

Out of Hours - over weekends, before 8am and after 4pm – please text your name/child’s name to 07564599321 to inform us if your child or household member has received confirmation of a positive Covid-19 result. A member of the school staff will contact you back as soon as possible.

What will happen if there is a positive case of COVID 19 linked to your child's class: 

If the advice from the DFE /Public Health England is that a class/ group needs to isolate at home for 10 days this is what will happen: 


  • A senior member of staff will phone you. 

  • An email will be sent out to the class/group - you may receive the email before the phone call. This is to give you as much notice as possible.  

  • Information detailing the timetable for learning over the two weeks will be emailed. Learning will be in line with the other year group class in school.  

  • Learning for your child will begin on Seesaw for the following morning (or afternoon if your child is leaving from school). 

  • For every class there will be an expectation that your child is accessing Seesaw from 9am and attending the live sessions. 

  • Tablets/laptops for families we are supporting with IT will be distributed (some will already have been allocated). 

  • If your child receives economic Free School Meals (this is not for children in R - Year 2 that receive universal FSM and are not registered for economic FSM) then provision either through a voucher or food parcel will be given. 


An email informing all parents/carers of any positive cases will be sent out.  


The school may be informed of a positive case in the evening or weekend and therefore will contact parents out of school hours to give as much notice as possible.  

The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline remains available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. 

Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:

Phone: 0800 046 8687

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm

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