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Year 3 and 4 Author Visit
Year 3 and 4 were visited by children's author Sam Copeland. He spoke about what inspires him to write stories, how to create a hero and...

Year 5 The Gherkin in London
As part of our learning in art, year 5 have been focusing on their observational drawing and sketching skills. This half term, our focus...

Year 5 The Journey of a Banana
In year 5 this week, we have started our new writing unit inspired by the book, The Everyday Journeys of Ordinary Things. We have been...

Year 6 Barnstaple Museum Visit
Year 6 visited Barnstaple Museum this week to see the Turner Exhibition. Year 6 were able to view Turner's famous works of art -...

Phase 2 Achievement Assembly
This week we celebrated lots of our children for showcasing our school values in school this week. Well done to everyone who managed to...

Year 3 and 4 Cross Country
On Wednesday, Y3 and 4 took part in a Cross Country event at Park Community School. Although the weather proved to be a wash out that...

Year 5 Investigating insulators
This week in year 5, we have been testing out effective insulators. After planning out our investigation last week, we used ice cubes to...

Year 2 Street Detectives
As part of our 'Street Detectives' Learning Exploration, which is all about our local high area and how the high street has changed, Year...

Achievement Assembly
This we celebrated lots of children who were given certificates in our assembly for showcasing our school values: respect, collaboration,...

Year 1 Partitioning Numbers
In maths this week we have been using part whole models to partition numbers up to 100!

Year 4 Geography Settlements
To start the term, Year Four have begun their exploration of settlements in Geography. They studied some example settlements and looked...

Reception Go Wild
Reception children have enjoyed exploring the Go Wild area this week and watching the baby squirrels playing in the trees.

Achievement Assembly
Over the first two weeks, we have celebrated children who have been showcasing our school values! Well done to all of the children who...

Year 1 Passover Picnic
Year 1 have been finding out about the Jewish festival of Passover and the Sedar Meal. They made their own Sedar Plates and Elijah cups...

Reception Olympic Activities
To celebrate the Olympics, Mr Venn set up lots of fun activities for us to try. Thank you Mr Venn!

Year 5 Shang Dynasty
This term, year 5 have been learning about the Shang Dynasty, particularly focusing on Bronze Vessels. After studying the patterns and...

Year 4 Greek Day
Yesterday, Year 4 had their Greek day! They devised their own Greek mask performances of Greek Myths and learnt songs based on the story...

Bouncy Castles
Today we had an exciting and unexpected day of Bouncing!
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